John Carter (2012) was based on the
Edgar Rice Burroughs novel
A Princess of Mars
and is most notable for its disastrous box office than the actual
quality of the film, and I think most can agree that the biggest
stumbling block the movie had was that it was saddled with one of the
worst marketing plans in film history. Trailers and posters both seemed
intent on hiding the fact that the planet Mars was involved at all,
which is kind of a strange thing to do when your movie is based science
fiction fantasy series based almost solely on Mars. But because the
heads of Disney were still reeling from the failure of the film
Mars Needs Mom,
and somehow got it into their heads that it was the use of the word
“Mars” in the title that caused that film to flop, they did their best
to dance around the Mars aspect in their ads. The studio heads are not
totally to blame for all this as Andrew Stanton’s trailers, which he
insisted show little of the story, failed to hook audiences and most
likely the biggest reason for its poor box office results.
A movie based on Edgar Rice Burroughs Barsoom series had been in the
works in Hollywood for decades and would make fascinating film all on
its own. Bob Clampet, of
Looney Tunes fame, back in 1931 wanted to adapt
A Princess of Mars
into an animated feature. Burroughs was excited with that notion as at
the time animation would be about the only way one could do that book
series justice. Sadly the test footage shown to local exhibitors did not
receive much positive feedback and the project was shelved.
It wasn’t until 1980 that Disney acquired the rights to the book and
approached John McTiernan (Die Hard) to direct and Tom Cruise to star as
John Carter. Realizing that the current movie magic still wasn’t up to
the task of bringing Barsoom to life McTiernan exited the picture and
John Carter went into limbo again.
This could have been John Carter.
Next up at bat was Robert Rodiguez at Paramount with the plan to use the same digital backlot technology that they used for
Sin City.
Studio politics ended this teaming which they led Jon Favreau entering
the picture. Favreau wanted to remain faithful to the books but also
wanted the first movie to contain;
A Princess of Mars,
Gods of Mars and
Warlord of Mars
and to use mostly practical effects with as little as much CGI as
possible. I love Favreau but cramming three books into one movie is a
bad idea. But he went on to make
Iron Man so that worked out for the best.
Disney Studios re-acquired the rights and Pixar director
Andrew Stanton
was given the task of once again trying to bring this Martian epic to
life. Stanton was a professed Burroughs fan and always wanted to see the
Barsoom stories on the silver screen, so what went wrong?
The lame title for one.
To best understand we look back to 1912 when Edgar Rice Burroughs released his story
Under the Moons of Mars
which was published in serial form under the pen name Norman Bean to
protect his reputation because Burroughs himself believed the book to be
Too outlandish.” Much to his surprise his story of a
Confederate soldier on Mars went over like gangbusters with the public
and his
publishing company decided to later collect the stories in novel
form and title it
A Princess of Mars.
And here begins the first problem in adapting
A Princess of Mars
to film. The book is basically a travelogue of adventures with no main
plot or story structure, John Carter arrives on Mars, has exciting
adventures and that’s about it. That’s a pretty simple format and as a
monthly serial this works great but as a two hour movie not so much, so
Andrew Stanton and the folks at Disney had their work cut out for them.
How do you remain faithful to the source material but still make a
structural coherent movie out of it. It’s a balancing act that many have
tried and more have failed.
Another difficulty in translating a story written back in the early
Twentieth Century is that audience sensibilities change, things that
were wildly acceptable in 1912 may not fly so well 2012. The biggest
change the movie
John Carter made is that of the lovely
Martian princess Dejah Thoris who in the book is your standard damsel
in distress but in the movie she is a kick ass action hero and a
scientist. I whole heartedly agree with this change, Lynn Collins as
Dejah Thoris was damn awesome and she gave us a character I think worthy
of starring in her own movie.
Dehah Thoris, Badass!
As much as agreed with that change there were a few a really
questionable choices throughout the film and the one that stands above
them all like a sliced Achilles is that of the film’s opening…or should I
say openings.
“Bad kitty!”
The book
A Princess of Mars starts out with a
forward by Edgar Rice Burroughs stating that he has decided to publish
this manuscript about his incredible Uncle John Carter and his
adventures on Mars. He describes his Uncle as to have been this most
amazing man; great horseman, excellent swordsman but still one of the
courtliness men he knew. Upon hearing of his Uncle’s death Burroughs
arrives at his estate to find instructions about putting the untreated
body of John Carter into a strange tomb that can only be opened from
inside and that this manuscript would remain sealed and unread for
eleven years and not divulged to anyone its contents for twenty-one
years after his death. The forward is roughly three pages and is
beautifully economical in its set-up.
The movie
John Carter starts off with a prologue
giving the viewer a crash course history of Martian or Barsoomian
politics, of how only the city of Helium stood against the evil world
conquering forces of Zodanga and how for a thousand years they kept them
at bay until one day the Therns, led by priest Matai Shang (
Mark Strong) stepped in to offer the Zodangan’s villainous leader Sab Than (
Dominic West) an ultimate weapon and a plan to marry the Princess of Helium (
Lynn Collins) thus ending this destructive conflict.
Evil Therns.
The adventures of John Carter (
Taylor Kitsch)
is your basic fish out of water story, the hero is the readers or
viewers identification figure and we learn and explore wondrous new
lands with him, we do not need a six minute prologue explaining the
machinations of the people of Barsoom. We will find out about these
things along with Carter. In
Star Wars: A New Hope our
hero Luke is part of this expansive universe and knows much of what is
going on so we get an opening crawl getting us up to speed with what’s
going on but then the rest we find out while traveling with Luke. In the
case of John Cater he knows as much about Mars as we do and so we
should be finding information on this strange world at the same time as
he does. Also the opening crawl at the beginning of
Star Wars: A New Hope was not six minutes long.
The movie then jumps to Earth and we get the Forward that was in the book with young Edgar Rice Burroughs (
Daryl Sabara)
inheriting his Uncle’s estate and receiving the manuscript of his
adventures. This section uses some elements from the book while
introducing the idea that there are villains on Earth that were pursuing
John Carter.
“Dear Diary.”
Chapter one of the book has John Carter, late of the Confederate
Army, telling how while working as a prospector he discovered a
mysterious cave while running from a group of Apaches that killed his
partner. In the movie we get this overly long set-up where he is
arrested by the Union Army who wants his expert skills to fight the
local Indians. Carter just wants to find this mysterious “Spider Cave”
and its rumored gold and has no interest in fighting. He escapes and
while fleeing the army runs into the Apaches and a nasty skirmish which
ends up with him hiding in the vary cave he had been looking for all
along. Nothing says well written script then starting off with a major
coincidence, and it doesn’t stop there because in the movie it just so
happens a Thern was using the cave transport system as Carter arrived.
The Thern activates his transport medallion after being mortally wounded
by Carter and accidentally sends John Carter to Mars. If that many
contrived elements in so short of a time is required to get your heroes
journey started you best chuck the script and start over.
Space MacGuffin
In the book there is no Thern in the cave. There is no MacGuffin
transport device that moves a person between planets, Carter enters the
cave and is overcome by some sort of gas and is paralyzed, when he tries
to force himself up off the cave floor he ends up yanking himself out
of his own body. This would freak anyone out. A naked John Carter
looks down at himself wondering if he is dead, but he feels solid enough
and so wanders out of the cave to look up at the stars. He notices
Mars, god of war, bright and mysterious in the heavens and he reflects
on how it has always fascinated him. Whoosh bang he is whisked off to
Mars. Why the movie thought we needed such a huge set-up for getting our
hero to Mars is beyond me. If your audience is already set to go along
with your story about life on Mars you really don’t need to spend that
much time getting us there.
Able to leap tall plot devices in a single bound.
Now that we are finally on Mars/Barsoom let us take a quick look at
the differences in plot. In the book as I said early it is more of a
travelogue of adventures rather than plot centric story. Almost
immedialty after his arrival Carter is discovered by the Tharks, the
green men of Mars, who think he is raiding their hatcheries (all the
humanoid races on Mars lay eggs) but quickly upon realizing a naked
unarmed individual isn’t much of a threat they bring him to a nearby
dead city. His ability to leap great distances due to the planet lesser
gravity as well his great fighting skill earns him great respect and
titles among the Tharks. It’s when the Tharks shoot down a Helium
science vessel and capture the Helium princess Dejah Thoris that things
for Carter get complicated. The Tharks hate the people of Helium, the
red men of Mars, and when Carter finds out that they plan to take her to
the Jeddak of the Tharks, where she will most likely be tortured to
death. This is something he will not allow to happen so he decides to
rescue her. That is the plot in a nutshell. Everything that follows is
basically a serial adventure of Carter trying to escape with the
Princess and getting her home to her people. Many misadventures befall
them along the way but that’s the gist of it.
“Come with me if you want to live.”
The movie has John Carter encounter the Tharks in roughly the same
way though they take his jumping ability as some kind of indicator that
he is a “
prophesied one” that will lead the Tharks in battle,
but how Carter encounters Dejah Thoris is vastly different here. In the
movie it is a Zodanga craft that attacks Dejah Thoris’s ship not the
Tharks, and it is John Carter who saves her from the clutches of Sab
Than the evil ruler of Helium’s mortal enemies. The movie’s plot is
basically Carter escaping the Tharks with Dejah Thoris and then
eventually helping defeat Sab Than and the evil Therns. And when I say
“eventually” I mean it takes forever for him to step up as a hero. So
now let’s take a look at the characters and how the differ from book to
John Carter: In the book John Carter is a bit of an
enigma, he states he has no memory before the age of thirty and has
always appeared the same, without ever aging. When we later learn that
the humanoid races on Barsoom are basically immortal we start to wonder
just where John Carter originally came from. That he and Dejah Thoris
are able to have a child together is another clue. As to John Carter’s
character in the book he is your standard stalwart hero that cannot
stand by when he says an injustice, he will fight against incredible
odds if he thinks someone is being wrongfully treated. His superior
strength and fighting skills keep him and his friends alive on more than
one occasion.
Taylor Kitsch is John Carter.
Movie John Carter is slightly different animal, gone is any hint of a
mysterious origin and it is sadly replaced by a tragic past where is
family was killed during the Civil War and so he has decided to no
longer fight for anything. Your character is going to lose points right
off the bat when you introduce him as an ex-Confederate soldier and then
add on the “Reluctant Hero” trope, this is a mistake. John Carter is
Superman on Mars; we don’t need him to be a brooding hero with tons of
emotional baggage. When Dejah Thoris tells Carter that she is being
forced to marry the evil Sab Than he refuses to help her, it’s not his
problem, he’s done fighting. That’s not a reluctant hero that’s a dick.
Deja Thoris: As mentioned earlier this is the one
great improvement Disney makes as in the book she is your standard
damsel in distress and her beauty and unbridled love for John Carter her
only real character traits. In the movie she is shown to be an
incredible fighter as well as a scientist, not something common in
science fiction heroines. Movie Dejah Thoris is being forced into
marriage with Sab Than by her father and she tries everything to get out
of it, while book Dejah Thoris agrees to marry Sab Than to end the war
even though her people would rather die than see their beloved princess
marry for any reason other than love. I kind of like the book better
here as it gives her a nice noble aspect in what was mostly a generic
heroine, but overall action movie Dejah Thoris is the fuller, richer
character in the end.
Lynne Collins is Dejah Thoris.
Tars Tarkas: In the book the Tharks are green four
armed humanoids that stand fifteen feet tall and sport nasty tusks,
movie Tharks are only a bit taller than humans but everything else is
the same and one can only say that cinematically a fifteen foot dude
talking to a six foot human would be hard to film. So that comparison is
wash as they work for each’s medium. As for the great and noble Tars
Tarkas himself, well
Willem Dafoe
gives a very nice performance but sadly because of the added Zodanga
plot his character in the movie isn’t given much backstory. In the book
Tars Tarkas is notable for being one of the few Tharks that has the rare
ability to feel compassion, friendship and love towards others. He had a
forbidden love affair that resulted in a child which was incubated in
secret (Like in the movie Tharks children are not raised by parents as
out of the hatchery no one knows whose kid is whose), while off on a
campaign his lover was exposed and killed for the crime of
childbearing. Even under torture she never revealed who her lover was
and was able to hide their child among the other newborns before she was
executed. In the movie Tars Tarkas is Jeddak (head chief) of the Tharks
while in the book he was just a low level chieftain but who becomes
Jeddak with the aid of John Carter.

Sadly movie Tars Tarkas is given no backstory, he does have a
daughter that he has kept his parentage a secret from his people as well
the girl herself, but because the movie spends very little time
explaining how Thark society works it doesn’t come across as that big of
deal. In the book Tars Tarkas eventually challenges the Jeddak who
murdered is true love and when he defeats him Tars Tarkas becomes Jeddak
of the Tharks, while in the movie John Carter kills the evil Jeddak who
usurped Tars Tarkas giving his friend his throne back. So basically we
get another “White man is better at everything” moment.
Willem DeFoe is Tars Tarkas.
Sab Than: In the book Sab Than is just a minor
obstacle on the way to true love while in the movie he is one of the
chief villains that John Carter must defeat. In both the book and movie
Zodanga has been warring with Helium for ages but in the book things
didn’t go south because of any interference from magical Therns, no it
was when the Helium navy went out to look for their lost princess and
left the city vulnerable to a siege. Sab Than barely is a presence in
the book, he is just this dude she agrees to marry to end the war. This
takes place during the last third of the book when Dejah Thoris believes
Carter is dead and when she marries Sab Than and John Carter turns out
not to be dead things get complicated. Carter immediately plans to
murder Sab Than for the crime of marrying his beloved but Barsoomian
culture will not allow Dejah Thoris to marry a man who murders her
husband so that plan is out. John Carter goes with the easy work around
by having his friend Tars Tarkas kill Sab Than in battle.
Dominoc West is Sab Than.
Movie Sab Than is almost cartoonishly evil, when the Therns show up
to rescue him in the middle of a battle he was losing he turns the super
weapon they give him on the Therns themselves. Dick move dude, also
very stupid. It of course doesn’t work on the Therns and he agrees to
their aid in conquering Barsoom. Their plan involves him marrying Dejah
Thoris and then murdering her on their wedding night. I think someone
may have watched
The Princess Bride. It’s hard to
compare these two Sab Thans because the book version has almost no
character at all, but as he is only a small part of the book he didn’t
need much of one, while the movie Sab Than is your typical two
dimensional villain that we see all the time, but as he is one of the
main antagonists in the movie he needed to be better written.
Matai Shang: The character of Matai Shang as
portrayed in the movie has to be the greatest departure from the books,
in the movie the Therns are this mysterious bald race of manipulators
that move from planet to planet, controlling things from behind the
scenes. They had discovered the Ninth Ray which powers their weapons and
teleportation devices and its Dejah Thoris’s discovery of the Ninth Ray
that has the Therns so eager to see her dead. This is not at all how
the Therns operate in the book and the Ninth Ray isn’t a weapon but the
very thing that operates the Atmosphere Factory which keeps Barsoom
Mark Strong is Matai Shang.
The race of Therns do not appear until the second book in the series
Gods of Mars, though
A Princess of Mars
does make references to aspects of the religion that the Therns are the
head of, and they are not that pale bald shape shifters that we see in
the movie. The Therns are bald, actually completely hairless, they wear
blonde wigs to hide this fact. Also they are not pale like in the movie
but Caucasian white like an Earthman, but their appearance is a minor
quibble compared to what the movie changes or leaves completely out.
This leads us to one of the most intriguing element of Edgar Rice
Burroughs’s Barsoomian books and that is it’s religions.
White Apes in the Garden of Eden.
The Holy Therns and their churches promote that down the River Issus
is the Barsoomian equivalent of Heaven and when one has reached 1,000
years of age, or has just tired of living, they take a pilgrimage down
the River Issus to the Valley of Dor where they would spend their rest
of eternity in a land of plenty. A nice step up from the arid landscapes
of Barsoom. A little wrinkle in this is that it is all total bullshit
as the Valley of Dor is inhabited by ferocious white apes and plant men
that devour you immediately upon your arrival, those that survive or are
spared by the Therns become slaves.
Fighting the plant men in the Valley of Dor.
John Carter has a hard time exposing this evil society because to say
anything against is blasphemy and punishable by death, also if one was
to escape the Valley of Dor and return home that would also be
considered a blasphemous act and you would be put to death. Even
stranger is that Carter discovers that the Therns themselves worship the
Goddess Issus who turns out to be a living ancient Black Martian who
rules over “The First Born” who are most notable for being one of the
oldest humanoid races on Barsoom. This race of black skinned Barsoomians
survive by pirate raids against the Holy Thern, taking their brightest
and most beautiful subjects to be their slaves. So basically religion on
Barsoom is a giant pyramid scam and gives us quite the insight into how
Burroughs himself thought of religion.

This certainly would have made a better movie; sure a plot about
generic evil guys wanting to remove smarty pants princess so they can
continue to play puppet masters with a bunch of one note villains isn’t
terrible, but wouldn’t an adventure where the hero exposes the world’s
religion to be a giant fraud be vastly more interesting? Or maybe
that’s just me.
I liked
John Carter, it pays better homage to Burroughs than Lucas did in his
Star Wars prequels,
and it certainly didn’t deserve the box office drubbing it got, but if
they had just trimmed up that terrible opening, and maybe gotten a
little ballsier with the script, we could have ended up with a great
franchise. As for the cast I liked pretty much every actor in their
perspective roles with the possible exception of Taylor Kitsch as John
Carter, now he wasn’t terrible but he just seemed a little young for the
part and when standing next to
James Purefoy
who played the Helium soldier Kantos Kan I couldn’t help but think that
Purefoy may have been the better choice to play Carter. I’m sure the
writing of the characters had something to do with it but it just seemed
that Purefoy was having a lot of fun with his role while Taylor as John
Carter was not.
Woola, man’s best friend.
Special shout out to Woola the Barsoomian dog that befriends John
Carter, in the book he is this awesome beast that is loyal and fierce
beyond compare and generally just a kick ass companion, while in the
movie he is
exactly the same thing. Every moment in the movie
with this lovable hound was a joy to watch, and it is only sad that with
the truncated version of Tharks in the movie we don’t get the sense as
to why Woola so loves John Carter. Still Woola is amazing either format.
There you have it, my rather long winded diatribe on
John Carter and
A Princess of Mars, I hope you found it if not educational at least a little entertaining.
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