H.G. Wells’ Things to Come is one of the more interesting early entries in the history of science fiction movies. Unlike films such as Fritz Lang’s
Wells believed that man could achieve Utopia and not the horrible
dystopia or post-apocalyptic world’s we still get in today’s sci-fi
movies. H.G. Wells was a socialist who believed strongly in a one world
government and an abolition of religion as independent nations and
religions are responsible for most the world’s strife. Not an easy
statement to argue with. He argued with Stalin that his revolution was a
good starting point but he was going about it all wrong by putting the
factory workers and farmers in charge, if you want to create perfect
society scientists and men of learning should govern. Talks broke down
after that.
Teaming up with
Alexander Korda and based on is book “
The Shape of Things to Come” H.G. Wells was given almost unprecedented creative control over the project. Director
William Cameron Menzies was not allowed to deviate from Wells’ screenplay, also Wells had veto power on casting and he even hired composer
Arthur Bliss
to score the film before even one frame of had been shot. Wells was not
so much worried about making a profitable movie but more on it being a
perfect translation of his prophetic writings. This was not really an
ego thing either as he truly believed that if society could see what was
possible then maybe it could eventually come to be. This from a man
staring out at a world readying itself for World War II.

Future War!
The movie begins in the near future of 1940 on Christmas Day located in the fictional British city of “
Everytown.” The streets are full of people panicking at the thought of a possible upcoming war, some such as John Cabal (
Raymond Massey) greatly worried while other says that even if there were to be a war it will only provide technological advancements.
Note: H.G. Wells
was firmly against the belief that anything good could come of war, so
in this film such thoughts are mocked and are one of the bigger misses
in his predictions of the future.
Everytown on the brink of war.
War does break out and
Everytown is reduced to horrifying
hellscape of death and destruction. Something the real British subjects
watching this film at the time of its release would become accustomed to
rather shortly (Wells prediction for the start of the next World War
was only off by sixteen months). Later we find Cabal flying the not so
friendly skies as he dogfights with an enemy bomber (
John Clements),
he shoots the man down but then lands to give the dying man comfort. As
poisonous gas, presumably dropped by the dying bomber approaches, a
little comes running and coughing before the deadly fog. The injured man
saying he is dying anyway gives gasmask to the girl and urges Cabal to
take the girl and go. Cabal does but not before giving the man his
service revolver so he can end his life before the gas does.
Newtown has seen better days.
The war rages on for decades until the 1960s more resemble the Dark
Ages than anything else. Manufacturing has ceased and people live
squalid conditions as technology is almost non-existent. Biological
weapons have also created a plague called “
The Wandering Sickness” that has wiped out half of the world’s population.
“The Walking Dead”
This leads to the films second act as we return to
Everytown, though still in ruins is now being ruled by “The Boss” (
Ralph Richardson)
a Mussoliniesque dictator that demands of his subjects more effort in
wiping out the “enemies in the hills.” (The enemy or causes of the war
are never name checked in this movie but are more of a shadowy force
that threatens the world order.) The Boss wants airplanes but his chief
mechanic Gordon (
Derrick De Marney)
tries to explain to him that even if he can fix the planes they have
there is not petrol to fuel them. Also on the agenda is getting local
scientist Dr. Harding (
Maurice Braddell)
to develop poisonous gas, but Harding and his daughter refuse to aid in
the deaths of even more people. Then out of the blue a strange plane
appears and lands at the outskirts of Everytown, John Cabal is back!
Nice helmet, dude.
The Boss has Cabal arrested and demands that he aid him in his war effort, but Cabal will have none of this as he is part of “
Wings Over the World” a society founded by scientists and engineers whose goal is to wipe out independent nations and thus end war forever.
“And don’t call me Chief!”
Cabal is forced to work with Gordon and Harding in the repairing of
decrepit air force, but it is all a ruse on Gordon’s part as once the
plane is fixed he flies of to Basra, Iraq to notify Cabal’s people of
their leader’s capture.
“What do you mean, Flash Gordon approaching?”
Wings Over the World attack
Newtown via a squadron of massive futuristic flying aircraft and proceed to drop so called “
Peace Bombs”
on the populace. The bombs contain a harmless knock out gas so once
Cabal is rescued the town wakes up to find themselves in the hands of
new rulers. Rulers for science!
“Damn, I love Peace Bombs!”
We are then treated to a montage of the science leaping forward
through time, making a better world for everyone. For undisclosed
Wings Over the World decided that underground cities is
the way to go opposed to futuristic skyscrapers, and we see cool
drilling machines carve into the hillsides as an innovative society is
created and a technocracy is born.
“I hope we don’t run into any Morlocks down here.”
No time is spent showing how awesome this society has become as almost the second we see the new and improved
Everytown we are introduced to the sculptor Theotocopulos (
Cedric Hardwicke)
as he is bitching about how science is progressing too far, that
mankind should sit back and smell the roses for a bit. He also strongly
believes that this latest idea of sending people to the moon via a
Space Gun is terrible.
The Space Gun.
Okay, the artist has a point here as this is a terrible idea though
not on any philosophical basis but by the fact that a capsule fired out
of a giant gun would turn its occupants into the consistency of grape
jelly. For some reason both Wells and Verne were hung up on S
pace Gun
technology versus rocket powered spacecraft. Thematically it doesn’t
even work as a gun being used for the benefit of exploration is showing
something of war furthering the advancement of science; this stands in
the face Wells’ stated viewpoints on the benefits of war. That being
there are none.
Hey, Wells got giant flat screen TVs right.
Theotocopulos, via Jumbotron, rallies the populace against Oswald
Cabal (Massey again) who is their current leader and great grandson of
the original founder of
Wings Over the World. So apparently
Wells has created a Science Monarchy where one family of scientist will
rule in perpetuity. Not sure he thought that one through.
“Down with science, up with sleeping in on Sundays!”
The mob storm the
Space Gun but Oswald, his daughter and her
boyfriend, who both volunteered for this space mission, beat the
rioting Luddites to the platform and are fired into space. Cabal and
the father of the boyfriend stand together as their children venture off
into the future.
“There they go, first star on the right and straight on till morning.
Cabal then gives a long speech about how man cannot stop advancing. “
man there is no rest and no ending. He must go on…conquest beyond
conquest. This little planet and its winds and ways, and all the laws of
mind and matter that restrain him. Then the planets about him, and at
last out across immensity to the stars. And when he has conquered all
the deeps of space and all the mysteries of time—still he will be
beginning. If we’re no more than animals, we must snatch at our little
scraps of happiness and live and suffer and pass, mattering no more…than
all the other animals do…or have done. It is that…or this? All the
universe—or nothingness. . . . Which shall it be?”
Visionary leader or pompous ass, you decide.
That’s pretty fine speechifying there Cabal and kind of sums up the
problem with the film, it is very, very preachy. It is so full of grand
and important ideas that it doesn’t seem to want to get bogged down with
things like a plot or characters. Wells and Korda had gathered together
an excellent cast of actors but then gave them a pretty hammy script
and put them in the hands of a director who found actors to be much less
interesting then shot composition or lighting.
said this is still a film worth checking out as it is visually stunning
and creepily prophetic at times. Wells and company put together a
fascinating “What if?” utopia based on some startling political
viewpoints and has earned a good spot in the history of science fiction
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