Tarzan’s Savage Fury has Lex Barker once again as the titular jungle man, but we have
another Jane which makes this four Jane’s in just four movies.

has to start wondering if maybe Tarzan is constantly replacing his mate
after losing her to one of the many jungle dangers and then just
brainwashing a new one into believing she is Jane. I think that could
make for an interesting movie, Tarzan sneaking into English manor houses
to make off with his new Jane, but sadly that is not this case with
this movie as it is far from that interesting.
As in the last film
Tarzan’s Peril
this series is sliding back into the old tropes that made up the bulk
of the Johnny Weissmuller films; white man enters jungles with nefarious
reasons, Jane at some point will be endangered, then Tarzan will kill
the villain and rescue Jane.
Though in this one Jane gets a death trap right out of a Saturday movie serial.
This entry begins with two men hunting; Lord Oliver Greystoke and his guide Rokov (
Charles Korvin),
and just as Lord Greystoke is about to bag himself a lion Rokov shoots
him in the back. Turns out that Rokov is a villainous Russian agent who
needs Greystoke’s name to acquire a large amount of diamonds but the
actual man would be in the way. Enter Edwards (
Patric Knowles),
a spineless English traitor who Rokov has brought along to take the
place of the now deceased Lord Greystoke. The plan stems from an old
diary that belonged to Tarzan’s father who was the Eighth Earl of
Greystoke, in this journal were references to the Waziri tribe and their
vast supply of diamonds. To protect the Waziris Tarzan’s father tore
out all references to their locations so Rokov needs Tarzan’s help in
finding this mysterious tribe.
“Step One: Trick Tarzan Lord of the Jungle. Step Three: Profit.”
Next we are introduced to Joey Martin (
Tommy Carlton),
a jungle boy who since being orphaned of his parents by lions, seems to
just tribe hop and is now currently being used as bait for crocodiles.
Joey and other children of this tribe jump into the water, splash around
to attract crocs and then just as they are about to be eaten the men of
the tribe pull them to shore via a safety line. The strangest thing
here is how excited the kids are to be doing this, they even fight for
their turns, and until Joey’s line gets snagged on a submerged branch
everything seemed like another day in the jungle to these guys. Lucky
for Joey that Tarzan (
Lex Barker) was nearby to pull off a last minute rescue.
Not sure where this falls in under Child Labor Laws.
reprimands the natives for this barbaric practice and even lays the
beat down on a couple of them, what is sad is that Tarzan takes Joey
away from them but doesn’t seem concerned about the other kids who were
used as bait. The only rational here is that the other kids were black
and Joey is decidedly not.
“We white jungle orphans have to stick together.”
Joey’s not keen on returning to the local mission, so Tarzan brings him home to Jane (
Dorothy Hart) with an almost “
Can we keep him?”
attitude. What is never mentioned in this series, as it was also
abandoned in the Weissmuller one, is that of the character of Boy who
Tarzan and Jane adopted in
Tarzan Finds a Son (1939)
and as Joey Martin is dropped after just one appearance one wonders why
they even bothered with another jungle boy. He really adds nothing to
the plot as most of the film’s running time has to deal with Rokov and
the fake Greystoke, and if his part was excised completely it would
hardly be missed.
“Tarzan, you have to stop bringing small boys home.”
Rokov and Edwards arrive at Tarzan’s home and the movies actual plot
can get going again. It’s from Rokov that we learn that Tarzan’s father
was a doctor/missionary and that he actually took his wife and young son
on these African expeditions that eventually took their lives and
orphaned their boy. Rokov informs Tarzan that his father befriended the
Waziri and now they wish Tarzan to re-open relations so that England can
get a hold of the massive amounts of diamonds they are rumored to have.
This is not about greed but for England’s military complex as the
diamonds are needed for tools and such for weapons of war. Tarzan claims
to have forgotten where the Waziri live, though it is clear that he
does remember but is not a fan of gun production so has decided to play
dumb. Unfortunately, Jane falls for Rokov’s story hook line and sinker
and she uses her womanly wiles on Tarzan to get him to change his mind.
“Just lay back and think of England.”
Tarzan finally on board they form up a safari and press on to find the
Waziri tribe, and because this a jungle adventure movie there are many
dangerous travails for a little group to overcome.
Tarzan must face off against intimidating stock footage.
A bearer will have a nasty encounter with a crocodile.
A long hike across the harsh African desert.
And of course the requisite angry cannibals.
all this travelling Rokov commits acts that make Tarzan want to toss
him off a cliff, getting one of the bearers eaten being the biggest one,
but because of his promise to Jane he lets these things slide with but a
few threats. It’s when the group is attacked by cannibals and Edwards
catches a blow dart in the back that things start to look really bad,
but then the Waziri show up and the cannibals flee for their lives.
Even cannibals are no match for hats of this caliber.
the Waziri witch doctor throws some bones and declares that the
intruders must be killed, but lucky for our group there is an old native
who remembers Lord Greystoke and his little boy, and for some reason
taking Tarzan to Greystoke’s old cabin to find a Bible will back this
up. So Tarzan leaves Jane and company behind while he treks off with
this old dude, and of course things go badly for those left behind.
Thanks to Cheeta finding Greystoke’s passport, that clearly reveals
Edwards to be a fake, Rokov accelerates his plan to acquire the
Grabbing the jewels, murdering the witch doctor, and running. Brilliant plan.
results in Jane left holding the bag and Tarzan miles away. Can Joey
the jungle boy reach Tarzan in time? Will Rokov escape with the
diamonds? If you’ve ever seen a Tarzan movie before the answers to those
questions are pretty obvious. What this film does bring to the party
that is a bit new is the name dropping elements from the Burroughs
books; Greystoke, Tarzan’s family name has not been used before even if
they completely screw up the origin story, the Waziri warriors are right
out of the
Return of Tarzan though in the books they are Tarzan’s best friends and work almost like his jungle entourage.
This film is called
Tarzan’s Savage Fury but there really is no fury here, savage or otherwise. This was director
Cy Endfield
last film in the United States as he found himself under the gun of the
House Un-American Activities Committee and was blacklisted in
Hollywood, but he went on to make such fun films as
Mysterious Island and
Zulu, which is at least some small compensation.