When I was about seven years old my parents went off to a funeral
while my sisters and I stayed home, as it wasn’t relatives us kids knew
all that well who had died. My sisters thought it would be fun to pull
out our Ouija board and contact the dearly departed and minutes after we
started playing in my darkened bedroom I spotted a little girl in a
white dress standing by my dresser. Needless to say seven year old me
totally lost his shit. I later learned that the white dress I described
was the same as the one my little cousin was buried in that day.
How much of that was due to an over active imagination of a seven
year old child? One can assume most of it, because kids just love to
frighten themselves. When put in a certain spooky setting our little
minds can conjure up worse things than even Hollywood could dream up. So
I went in to my viewing of
Hasbro and
Platinum Dunes Ouija with the hope of capturing some of that childhood terror. Sadly it was not to be.
“Spirits from beyond, does this script have an original scare in it?”
The movie begins with two little girls, Laine Morris and Debbie
Galardi, playing with a Ouija board in Laine’s room. It’s here that we
learn the three important rules from Debbie. These of course are brought
up so that they can be broken with dire consequences later in the film.
1) You can never ever play alone.
2) You can never play in a graveyard.
3) You must always say goodbye at the end.
The movie then jumps to the present day where we find Debbie (
Shelley Hennig) all freaked out about something but won’t tell her best friend Laine (
Olivia Cooke)
what it is, only that she had recently been playing with the a Ouija
board… by herself. Debbie tries to burn the board in the fireplace but
it magically appears un-singed on her bed. She looks through the board’s
planchette (pointer), her eyes turn white, and in a trance-like stare
she hangs herself with Christmas lights.
Strange that the giver of the rules is the one that breaks them first.
Laine is devastated by her friend’s apparent suicide as well as Pete (
Douglas Smith), Debbie’s boyfriend, Trevor (
Daren Kagasofff), Laine’s boyfriend, and mutual friend Isabelle (
Bianca A. Santos).
Laine convinces her friends to participate in a Ouija board session at
her dead friend’s home so that she can get closure as she never got a
chance to say goodbye to Debbie. I can buy Trevor agreeing to this as he
hopes to continue getting laid, but her other friends should have told
her to go piss up a rope.
“No, and hell no!”
Laine even drags along her sister Sarah (
Ana Coto)
because Sarah is a wild child and currently seeing an older man so she
cannot be left alone. We never see this older man, though he is
apparently an idiot as he parks right outside the house in full view of
overprotective Laine. Sarah would certainly have been in better hands
with that creep than going off with Laine and company.
“Question, does the order we are sitting around this table determine the order in which we die?”
They contact a spirit through the board that identifies itself as “D” and then spells out the message “
hi friends”,
and of course Laine is convinced it’s Debbie while her friends are all
pretty sure Laine was the one moving the planchette either consciously
or subconsciously. That is until all of them get the “
hi friend”
message sent to them at random places; chalk graffiti on a tunnel wall,
written in moisture on a car window, on a computer screen and carved
into Pete’s desk.
“That ghost totally trashed my fucking desk!”
Unless Debbie secretly hated her boyfriend, that is the first clue
that the ghost they contacted may not be of the Casper the Friendly
Ghost variety. The film then stretches the realms of creditability well
past the breaking point as Laine is somehow able to convince her sister
and friends to return to the house for a second session with the Ouija
board. When the ghost fails to answer personal questions that only
Debbie would know it finally reveals itself to be “D.Z” who turns out to
be the ghost of a little girl by the name of Doris Zander whose freaky
mother sewed her mouth shut to keep the evil spirits from talking
through her.

The ghost tells them to “
Run. Mother is coming.” The Scooby
Gang flee the house, but not the country as I probably would have done.
The movie then follows the tried and true formula of friends dying one
by one while our heroine tries to solve the mystery behind Ghost Doris
and the Ouija board.
Isabelle has a fatal flossing incident.
Ouija is by first time director
Stiles White
and it shows, as this movie is formulaic in the extreme with no real
style of its own. Though mostly relying on jump scares the film does
manage to build a sense of peril and dread in some of the scenes, which
is more than what
managed to do. Maybe with a better script Stiles could turn into a
decent director. Unfortunately the mystery that Laine has to solve is so
transparent and obvious that the audience is always ten steps ahead of
the characters. This does not help with suspense.
They should have burnt the script instead.
According to actress Olivia Cooke, half of the film was re-shot at
the studio’s request changing substantial elements of the story
including the backstory of Doris and her mother. It would be interesting
to see if the original version was less clichéd and by the numbers, but
alas, we may never know.
“Originally I was Norman Bates’s sister.”
As it stands this isn’t a terrible movie, nor is it a particularly
good one, you have your standard group of pretty people who constantly
do stupid things because they don’t realize they are in a horror movie,
and we grimly watch them die one by one.
Ouija is just
your run of the mill horror film with nothing new to add to the genre.
More and more when I watch these new horror movies I keep asking the
same thing, “
Why don’t they call Sam and Dean Winchester?”
Salt and burn them baby, salt and burn.”
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