I’ll start off saying I enjoyed the first installment by
J.J. Abrams when
I saw it in the theater back in 2009, though I had some issues major
issues with the film; Nero’s whole motivation and plan for a start, but I
was still engaged enough by the actors and action that I found myself
having a rather good time. Over the years after seeing it several more
times on Blu-ray I’ve downgraded its likability greatly as the comedy
shtick gets more grating with each successive viewing and the lens
flares even more absurd. Still its script is genius when compared to
that of
Star Trek: Into Darkness.
“Set a course for adventure, your mind on a new romance!”
If I was to break down this movie into three acts I’d call
Act One an atrocious crime against screenwriting and the characters of Star Trek,
Act Two was fairly good with some excellent action, and then
Act Three was J.J. Abrams pissing down the backs of Trek fans and calling it rain.
“Run, crazed Trekkies are after us!”
Chris Pine is not at fault here as I don’t think any actor could pull
off this version of Kirk who is an ass-hat for at least 80% of his
screen time. In the first Abrams film Kirk saves Earth and though he has
had only three years at Starfleet Academy training he is given command
of the starship
Enterprise. Now this is like giving command of
an Aircraft Carrier to an air cadet who performed a massively heroic
act. No one would do this. Sure Kirk in the original canon was the
youngest captain in Starfleet but that was after fourteen years of
service. Could you ever picture Starfleet giving command of a starship
to Ensign Wesley Crusher no matter what awesome feet he performed?
That’s what medals are for.
Dark Kirk Rises
In Abrams second outing we begin with the
Enterprise on a survey mission of primitive planet that is about to be destroyed by a volcanic eruptions and Kirk (
Chris Pine) breaks the Prime Directive (something classic Kirk is well known for) to save the native inhabitants and Spock’s life.
Unfortunately Spock (
Zachary Quinto)
tattles on Kirk and thus Kirk is relieved of his command and sent back
to Starfleet Academy. Starfleet gives the Enterprise back to Admiral
Pike (
Bruce Greenwood) who pulls some strings to get Kirk to stay on as first officer because that’s how this Starfleet works.
“I love you like a son, but you’re fired.”
Questions: What kind
of organization sends you back to school for breach of rules? In the
real world it would have resulted in either “Dishonorable Discharge” or
simply “You’re fired!” Also how awful would it be for Kirk to be
assigned as first officer on board the ship he was just previously
captain of? Talk about awkward. Lucky for Kirk his mentor is shortly
killed allowing him to be captain again.
Stardate 911
Then Starfleet is attacked by the terrorist Sherlock Holmes…no I mean Starfleet traitor John Harrington (
Benedict Cumberbatch), oh wait he’s actually Khan.
Kirk quickly deduces that the attack on the Starfleet Archives is only
the beginning and that the villain knows Starfleet’s top brass will all
meet in this boardroom (which is apparently on one of the top floors of
Starfleet headquarters with massive picture windows. Pish-posh on
security I say) and they are probably the real target. Kirk is
immediately proven right as Khan appears outside the window in a small
fighter and opens fire on everybody. Kirk manages to destroy the craft
but Admiral Pike dies and Kirk is sad. Kirk asks Admiral Marcus (
Peter Weller)
if he can have command of the Enterprise again as Pike is dead and so
not using it. Admiral Weller agrees because that’s how Starfleet
works…oh and because Admiral Marcus is evil.
“Dead or alive, you’re coming with me.”
Kirk is sent on a mission to kill Khan by sneaking into Klingon
territory and shooting a super photon torpedo at Khan’s hideout in an
abandoned province on the Klingon home world. Turns out the whole thing
is an evil plan by Admiral Marcus as the warp drive has been sabotaged
and after firing on the Klingon home world the Klingons will be rightly
pissed and will blow the crap out of the crippled Enterprise. But Spock
has brow beaten some morality lessons into Kirk so instead of blowing up
Khan they capture him alive, and by capture I mean Khan saves them from
an army of Klingons and then surrenders.
“This helmet saves us a bundle in make-up effects.”
On board the Enterprise John Harrington explains that he is Khan
Noonien Singh a three hundred year old genetically superior being, who
along with seventy-two others, were banished into space for trying to
take over the world. Admiral Marcus found their ship drifting in space
and awoke Khan to use his savage intellect in the war he is sure is
about to happen with the Klingons. Khan has basically been blackmailed
to help evil Admiral Marcus to design awesome weapons of war with the
life of his still frozen crew in the balance.
How helpful could a guy be, even a super genius, in the development of
awesome fabulous weapons when he has been out of touch with the advances
in technology for the past 300 bloody years?
“A Starfleet Officer once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.”
Somehow Khan managed to sneak his frozen family into 72 of these
selfsame super photon torpedoes that Weller gave Kirk to use against
Khan. If anyone can explain how that makes a lick of sense please
enlighten me. How would Khan have access to his frozen crew when they
are the only bargaining chip Weller has to keep Khan in line? Why would
Admiral Marcus give Kirk 72 of these awesome torpedoes when the mission
called for him to blow up ONE person. I think even James T. Kirk would
find 72 torpedoes to be a bit of an overkill. Yet he never questions it,
but Scotty (
Simon Pegg)
questions the fact that these super-secret weapons are of an unknown
quality and could be a danger to his ship and thus he won’t sign off on
them unless he can examine them first. For no logical reason at all Kirk
basically fires Scotty, rubber stamps the torpedoes and makes Chekov (
Anton Yelchin) chief engineer. So not only is Kirk an idiot he’s also a huge dick.
“Let me show you where you can stick you Nuclear Wessels.”
When Kirk informs Starfleet that they captured and not killed Khan
this gets evil Admiral Marcus’s panties in a bunch and he shows up with
USS Vengeance a super dreadnaught that Khan helped design. Weller opens fire, pausing only to retrieve his daughter Carol Marcus (
Alice Eve), who finagled her way onto the Enterprise because we needed more references to the movie they are ripping off/remaking.
Doctor Carol “Cheesecake” Marcus.
Kirk is forced to work with Khan because “
The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and the two of them sneak aboard the
with the help of Scotty who somehow managed to sneak aboard earlier
because a super-secret Starfleet base that is housing a super-secret
weapon of war would have no security whatsoever. They managed to take
out Admiral Marcus and his crew, all ten of them, and even shoot Khan in
the back because they know he’s evil. (New Spock phoned
Leonard Nimoy to get advice on how to deal with Khan. Seriously I’m not kidding)
“I can’t tell you about my time line…okay, okay you twisted my arm, Khan is evil and not to be trusted.”
Of course phasers on stun won’t keep Khan down and he immediately
gets the upper hand. He demands the return of his crew, still frozen in
the photon torpedoes, or he will kill Kirk, Scotty, and Carol Marcus and
then blow up the
Enterprise. Spock agrees and they beam over the torpedoes and Khan sends Kirk and company back to the
Enterprise because, “
A captain should go down with his ship” and he then evilly opens fire on the
Enterprise. But what’s this, Spock had McCoy activated all those torpedoes so that shortly after beaming over to the
Vengeance they explode. As McCoy (
Kark Urban) is not a monster he removed all the cryo-tubes with Khan’s people.
Question: How in the hell did McCoy have time to remove all those cryo-tubes and activate 72 goddamn torpedoes in the time he had?
Now is when things get painful. The
Enterprise is plummeting
to Earth and its warp core is misaligned so they can’t get any power to
the engines, to save the ship Kirk goes into the warp core chamber
which is flooded with radiation that is at lethal levels. He manages to
get the core aligned just in the nick of time and saves the day, but he
is going to die from radiation poisoning. Spock races to engineering to
say goodbye to his friend. Separated by a pain of glass they have a
tearful farewell as Kirk dies. Wait…Spock cries? WTF?
When Spock’s mother died and his home world
was destroyed he got kind of upset when provoked by Kirk, but he never
even shed a fucking tear. This movie did not earn that moment. This is
not two men who have been friends for decades these are two dudes who
have kind of worked together for a while and not all that amicably. In
the first movie Spock maroons Kirk on an ice planet and in this one he
narcs on Kirk causing him to lose his command. How are these two
considered friends?
“I have been and will always be, this guy you know.”
But it gets worse, it seems that Khan’s blood can resurrect the dead
(McCoy tested it on a tribble) and so Spock and Uhura capture Khan alive
and give Kirk a blood transfusion and he comes back from the dead. Khan
is put back into the freezers with his crew and Kirk and company go off
on their five year mission. Fuck you J.J. Abrams!
If Khan’s blood is a cure all and Khan’s people are all supposedly the
same type of supermen, why couldn’t McCoy have used blood from any of
the 72 others he has on ice?
The Trouble with Plot Contrivances.
Now for people who are not fans of Star Trek, who have not seen the episode “
Space Seed” from the original series or seen
Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan,
they may get much more enjoyment out of the fun action sequences, some
of the genuinely funny character beats (there aren’t many but I did
laugh a couple of times), and the cool whizz bang of the special
effects, but any actual fan of the original Trek series cannot walk away
from this without feeling insulted.
Star Trek Nemesis was always been considered by most fans to be a hack rip-off of
Wrath of Khan but now we have something worse a reboot/remake of it but with its balls cut away.
Simply put this film started out terrible, got my hopes up briefly
during the middle act, and then angered me beyond belief as it reached
its idiotic conclusion.
“From everyone at the Apple Store, screw you J.J. Abrams.”
Stray Observations:
- If Khan had broken with Evil Admiral Marcus why did he still go to
Klingon space? This was part of the Admiral’s plot, something that no
longer interests Khan.
- Hiding your crew inside functional torpedoes is a dangerous gamble,
especially if said torpedoes are part of the “Start a War” plan.
- Why do these torpedoes have enough empty space to contain a cryo-chamber?
- Khan’s desire to destroy the Enterprise even after supposedly getting his crew back only makes sense if he really hated Kirk, but this is not the Kirk from “Space Seed” so there is no history backing up Khan’s actions.
- With Khan’s blood in hand Star Fleet now has a cure for death. This will certainly lesson the drama in further adventures.
- When Roddenberry wrote the episode “Space Seed” saying Khan
and his people were in frozen slumber for 300 years placed the Eugenics
War in the future as of the airing of that episode, now in this movie
saying they were asleep for 300 years puts the Eugenics War sometime in
the Nineties. Alternate timeline bullshit doesn’t even cover this
- And finally, they couldn’t get an actor
better than Benedict Cumberbatch to play Khan, a supposed Sikh prince
and once played by Ricardo Montalban?
- I mean seriously guys, come on!
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