Published in 1914 as a four part serial for
All-Story Weekly At the Earth’s Core
is one of my favourite of Burroughs’s series second only to Tarzan
which makes their eventual cross-over that much more awesome. The series
is of course based on the Hollow Earth theory which had been around
since ancient times but even much later people such as Edmund Halley
believed the Earth could be in part hollow but without the dinosaurs.
That people of the 20th century oft believed this to be the case is what
lead Burroughs to write his tale.
ever there was to be a king of lost cities or lost civilizations that
king would be Edgar Rice Burroughs; Tarzan couldn’t swing fifteen feet
through the jungles of Africa without running into some ancient lost
city or another, and of course there is the
The Land That Time Forgot
where dinosaurs still roam the Earth in a mysterious continent locked
behind the ice in the Antarctic. But before all that, there was
Pellucidar- a whole world locked hundreds of miles beneath the Earth’s
crust where creatures from every geological era roam free and evil
reptilian masters dominate the race of man.
“So what are the odds of us finding Atlantis or dinosaurs?“
The book begins with the author telling us of how he ran into David
Innes and his amazing drilling machine in the middle of the Sahara
Desert and who related to him of the amazing adventures at the Earth’s
core. David Innes was heir to a mining company and with his best friend
and inventor Abner Perry they constructed an “Iron Mole” to explore deep
beneath the Earth’s crust but unfortunately for our two heroes once
their journey began they quickly found out that they were unable to turn
the machine around. That is a serious design flaw. Unable to turn, and
stopping meant death by asphyxiation. They continued burrowing 500 miles
deep but instead of plunging into a molten core they arrived in the
fantastic interior world of Pellucidar where they encountered creatures
from almost every era prehistory.
The wonderful world of Pellucidar
David and Abner bounced from one nasty predicament to another as they
were chased by a giant bear, captured by strange simian people who
tried to sacrifice them to the wolf-like hyaenodon and then
rescued/captured by the gorilla like Sagoths who were the foot soldiers
to Pellucidar’s dominant species the Mahars, a race of evil flying
reptiles who either enslave or eat the humans of Pellucidar. It’s while
in this slave caravan that David encountered Dian the Beautiful of Amoz
and it is from her that David and Perry learn the local language, but
when David saves Dian from the unwanted advances of fellow Hooja the Sly
One he makes the colossal blunder of not claiming her for his mate thus
disgracing her in front of all her people. Not knowing local customs
can really hamper ones love life in a Burroughs story. Worse while on
route to the Mahar city Hooja escaped and took Dian with him.
“I was just offering her a navel piercing.“
While enslaved in the Mahar city of Phutra Perry makes a startling
discovery, the Mahars are all female, reproducing parthogenetically by
means of a closely guarded “Great Secret” contained in a Mahar book. It
is this bit of knowledge that can really tip the scales for when David
and company escape they steal the book thus dooming the Mahars to
eventual extinction.
“Perry, genocide is fine as long as the ones you are killing are evil.“
David Innes is a unique hero in the Burroughs canon because not only
does he plan genocide of an entire sentient species his method of escape
involved killing four sleeping Mahars, gutting them, and wearing the
skins as disguise. That is pretty damn cold. Also, David unites multiple
tribes of humans to form a federation against the Mahars with himself
as emperor. David is able to achieve this by introducing modern weapons
and tactics to these primitive people. So clearly David Innes is not
following the Prime Directive.
“For the last time, I’m not a Klingon!”
What makes this book so good is the amount of thought Burroughs put
into this world at the center of the Earth. Their sun is a large ball of
light in a fixed position so that it is a world of eternal day making
time meaningless and almost impossible to gauge. At one point David was
off having month long adventures but when he returned to rescue Perry
his old friend thought David had been gone only a short time. Natives to
this world have a built in homing sense allowing them to unerringly
find their way home, but for David and Perry without a moving sun
getting lost is all too easy in this strange nightless land where the
horizon curves up instead of down.
In 1976 Amicus Pictures made
At the Earth’s Core their follow up picture to
The Land That Time Forgot and even with a relatively small budget they managed to pull off rather decent and fun adventure film.
The film stars
Doug McClure as David Innes while British icon
Peter Cushing
plays inventor Abner Perry and the two of them have excellent screen
chemistry, the brash American and the ever British gentlemen make for a
great dynamic. The first difference from book to screen is that in the
book David and Abner were doing the first test of the Iron Mole in
secret while in the movie they are doing it for an entire press junket
and local spectators. Also in the book the Iron Mole was aimed down into
the Earth’s crust while in the movie the plan was to go through a
mountain. So David and Perry’s experiment fails in both versions just
more spectacular out of the gate in the movie.
“Oh, it’s a jolly holiday with you, Doug!”
Shot entirely on soundstages the sets dubious at best with plastic
trees and giant mushrooms littering the landscape but what is really
missing is the sense of scale. Gone is the idea that this world is on
the inner shell of the Earth with the horizon curving up around a
stationary sun instead it all seems as if it is just a giant cavern with
luminescent walls. Also their first encounter has been changed from a
cave bear to a bipedal parrot dinosaur.
“Polly wanna to stomp Tokyo?”
As it is in the books David and Abner are captured and forced into a
slave caravan by the brutal Sagoths but no thought is given as to
explain why the natives of Pellucidar are all speaking English. Whenever
Doug McClure encounters someone he starts out talking in Pidgin
English, “
Me David, you Dian” but then in the very next moment
that person is speaking back to him in fluent English. Burroughs never
explains how all his heroes have amazing abilities to learn primitive or
ancient languages but at least he addresses the fact that they have to
learn the local lingo.
“How do you say “bad puppet” in Pellucidarian?”
As in the book David encounters Dian the Beautiful (
Caroline Munro)
or Dia as she is called in the movie, and makes the faux pas that
causes Dia to hate him, but after this the movie greatly diverges from
the book. The Mahar’s “Great Secret” no longer has anything to do with a
formula that allows the female Mahars to fertilize their eggs without
the need of males, now it is about how the lava both powers and
endangers the Mahar city as well as incubates their eggs. So when the
heroes of the movie cause the Mahar city to self-destruct they aren’t
causing genocide just mass murder. So that’s good, right?
“Hey, I’m also pretty sure they were communists.”
The Mahars themselves are nowhere near as threatening as they are in
the book. The filmmakers were severely limited by budget and special
effects capabilities of the time thus the Mahars in the movie are poor
stuntmen in goofy suits who are flung around on wires. The book gets a
little more in depth with the creatures and on how their society works.
The Mahars have no auditory organs or spoken language and communicate
with the Sagoths with a type of sign language and among themselves Perry
believes they use some form of sixth sense which is cognizant of the
fourth dimension and not telepathy for they are unable to communicate
unless within close proximity. In the movie it is straight up telepathy
and mind control with the Mahar’s just staring and blinking at people.
Beware Rodan’s ugly step-kids.
Because the movie is ostensibly a kid’s film the more gruesome
aspects of the Mahars is left out, we see them putting their victims in a
trance before swooping down for the kill but with clever editing
nothing is seen and certainly no blood. In book the Mahars are
amphibious and can soar through the water as easily as they can through
the air and when they mesmerize their victims they draw them into the
water where the Mahars casually bite off portions of their enthralled
victims. Eating them alive- one morsel at a time.
“You can’t mesmerize me, I’m British!”
In the book David encounters an aborigine of one of Pellucidar’s
island who upon suspecting that David is going to steal his dugout he
charges at David with a spear. Unarmed and not wanting to be a shish
kebab David jumps into the dugout and tries to escape via the sea but
the angered native dives in, swims after him and due to David’s
inexperience with this type of boat quickly catches up with him. Just
when things look bad for David a sea creature seizes the swimmer and the
tide is turned, but David cannot stand idly by and watch a man being
eaten by some foul sea beast so he takes the discarded spear and saves
the man. Thus the Mezop known as Ja befriends David Innes and is the
start of what will be the unification of humans against the mighty
Mahars. In the movie they changed the characters named to Ra (
Cy Grant)
for some reason but his introduction is somewhat similar only instead
of an aquatic dinosaur it is a man-eating plant they stumble upon while
fighting in a cave.
Little Cave of Horrors.
And that ends the similarities between the book and the movie, aside
from Perry and David teaching the locals how to manufacture bows and
arrows to fight back against the Mahars nothing else is from the book.
Hoojah the Sly One (
Sean Lynch)
is still a main nemesis in the movie but is killed off during the raid
on the Mahar city while he is a key recurring villain in the book’s
sequel. That David in the book doesn’t take any the numerous opportunity
to kill this treacherous asshat is one of the stories weakest elements
and which brings us to the end of the story where neither book or the
movie has a satisfactory ending. In the book Abner will remain in
Pellucidar while David and Dian plan to take the Iron Mole back to the
surface world to get books and weapons to aid them in defeating the
Mahars and Sagoths once and for all but through the most contrived
circumstances Hooja is able to substitute a cloaked captured Mahar for
Dian which David fails to notice until he reaches the surface.
I don’t see a way in which you could mistake Caroline Munro for a Mahar.
In the movie David and Abner just decide they have had enough fun
adventuring under the Earth and want to head home. Dia shocks David by
telling him she cannot go as she would not fit in amongst the surface
dwellers and that her duty is here with her people. With a shrug of his
shoulders he and Abner hop into the Iron Mole leaving Dia Pellucidar
behind for good. Amicus Pictures did return to Caspak with
The People That Time Forgot but they never made a sequel to
At the Earth’s Core.
Cue zany ending!
The book by Edgar Rice Burroughs is a fantastic read and David Innes
is one of his more complex heroes as he is both good and noble while
also being rather arrogant and genocidal. The movie has a great cast and
though the budget was limited they did manage to create an interesting
looking Pellucidar if not the one described in the book. Director
Kevin Connor helmed all three of the Amicus Burroughs movies and all three are worth a watch.
And seriously, who could leave her behind?
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