There have been several adaptations of the Genesis flood myth and as
religious pictures tend to make for good box office dollars I’m sure we
will see more, but this latest version by
Darren Aronofsky
is easily the grimmest yet. I’m not a biblical scholar so I certainly
won’t rain on this movie’s bona fides by comparing it to scripture as
most of my bible knowledge comes from watching
Charlton Heston epics. I just tried to view this movie as fantasy story about a man, a boat and a lot of water.
Darren Aronofsky is a very good director and even detractors of his work
have to agree his stuff is interesting to watch, so when I heard he was
taking a crack at the Noah story I was a little intrigued, sadly after
watching it I feel
Evan Almighty may have been the more entertaining take on the myth.
Always with the smiting. |
In the beginning there was nothingness, then God created the Heavens and
the Earth and later a badass named Noah. The story of Noah is a simple
one and one that many of us heard repeatedly in Sunday school; God is
unhappy with mankind, decides to wipe the globe clean and asks Noah to
gather two of every species of animal, load them and his family onto an
ark, and then he floods the world. Cue dove finding land and
In Darren Aronofsky’s version God is even more of a dick than usual,
and Old Testament God was already a huge prick with all that smiting and
shit, but in this movie God has chosen Noah (
Russell Crowe)
to help him start all over and to do this he must turn this nice family
man into a raging asshole that makes Jack Torrance from
The Shining look like father of the year material.
"Here's Noah!" |
The world has turned to shit, ever since Adam and Eve ate that apple and
their one kid murdered his brother things went downhill. Cain went off
to create a massive civilization that would plunder the Earth’s
resources while Seth, Adam and Eve’s third and not much talked about
son, went his own peaceful way. Cain and his descendants got some help
from a group of fallen angels called The Watchers and spread their
wickedness all over the globe. Now these multi-armed rock golems use to
be glorious beings of light until God punished them for helping man,
remember God is a dick, they are eventually betrayed by Cain’s people
and are left to wander the barren burnt wastelands. Angels just can’t
catch a break.
These things certainly weren’t in my Sunday school lessons. |
Meanwhile Seth’s people would be the ones to restore the world.
(Question: How can Cain and Seth have descendants when as far as I can
tell Eve was the only other woman on the planet?) Noah and his family
are such magical descendants and they to seem to be wandering bleak
wastelands until they come across a group of slaughtered people and one
young survivor Ila, who will grow up to be
Emma Watson, Noah’s wife Naameh (
Jennifer Connelly)
patches up the poor girl and Noah, Naameh, their three sons Shem, Ham,
and Japheth are then chased by a group of marauders led by evil King
Tubal-Cain (
Finn Wittrock) later to be played
Ray Winstone) who happens to be the man that killed Noah's father.
“You killed my father and betrayed Indiana Jones” |
Noah and family are forced to flee into the burnt forbidden zone that
The Watchers now live in, but instead of killing them one of the fallen
angels takes pity on the poor mortals and gives them aid.
“Put in a good word with God for me, would you?” |
Anthony Hopkins)
who gives him a seed from the Garden of Eden. This magical seed
instantly creates a massive forest that Noah and his rock friends can
now chop down to make the ark. Aronofsky is certainly sending mixed
messages about environmental responsibilities here.
“The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky.” |
The building of the ark moves along quite quickly, as it would if you
had stone giants helping you, and soon God is sending birds, snakes and
all manner of beasts for Noah to load into the ark. Here Aronofsky tries
to answer that age old question,
“How did Noah feed all those animals?”
Well it seems Noah developed a knock-out gas that only effects animals
and puts them into some kind of suspended animation. Why he felt the
need to answer that one and then ignore the bigger question,
“How do you fit two of every species of animal onto a boat roughly the size of two football fields?”
is beyond me. Unfortunately for Noah and company the evil Tubal-Cain
has noticed all the birds heading into this forest of Eden and followed
them. He also brought his army.
“I want a shubbery” |
Tubal-Cain wants Noah to hand over everything to him, including that big
wooden fortress he’s building. But when a bunch of rock formations
surrounding the ark stand up revealing their fallen angel status
Tubal-Cain decides on a tactical retreat, but only until he can get a
bigger and better equipped army to smash those stone bastards to pieces.
“Which way to Helm’s Deep?” |
Now invading armies isn’t the only problem Noah is facing as his one son Shem (
Douglas Booth) is spending precious ark building time fooling around with Ila while his brother Ham (
Logan Lerman)
is upset by the fact that he is out in the cold in the girlfriend
department. Noah promises Ham that he will go and get wives for his
boys, and an extra one for Shem as Ila is barren, but upon visiting a
nearby encampment he witnesses rape, cannibalism and downright
wickedness. Noah gets an epiphany, it’s unclear if its god given or not,
but he’s decides that the human race is a failed experiment and that
the creator only wants the animals to survive and not so much man, thus
Noah and his family are the last of humanity and with their eventual
passing the world will be free of the stain of man.
A rare happy moment in this film. |
Ham is not cool with this and makes his own trip to the settlements to
find a girl, but while fleeing that place ahead of an angry mob the girl
pulls a Kim Bauer and steps into a cougar trap. Ham tries to free her
but Noah shows up and drags Ham away leaving the poor girl to be
trampled to death by the mob. This does not endear Noah to Ham.
Girlfriend Interruptus. |
Spurred on by the rain and coming apocalypse the angry mob/army arrives
at the ark and we are treated to a big battle as The Watchers fend off
the attackers until one by one the fallen angels are killed and their
celestial spirits return to Heaven.
Eventually God kicks it into high gear and massive torrents of water
shoot out of the Earth. The geysers and torrential rains wash away all
the bad guys except Tubal-Cain who manages to stowaway on the ark.
When Old Faithful attacks. |
Now up to this point the movie has been a grim humorless slog but it’s
when on board the ark that things really get dark. Noah explains to his
family his “extinction agenda” for the human race and that in time Shem
will bury Noah then Ham will bury Shem and Japheth will in turn bury Ham
and I guess Japheth will have to get a pre-dug grave ready to throw
himself in when time his time comes. But Naameh has thrown a wrench into
this plan because earlier she went to see Methuselah about Ila’s child
bearing problem and he used his magic to make her fertile and now she is
pregnant with Shem’s child. Noah is at first put out by this new
information but then states that if it’s a boy all is good as it can
just join the line of burying, but if it’s a girl he will simply kill
it. God’s will and all.
“Sorry honey, but God told me to.” |
Meanwhile Ham has been secretly helping injured stowaway Tubal-Cain
who fuels the kids hatred for his dickish father, and who can blame the
kid when dad is a girlfriend abandoning asshat and professed baby killer
to be. So while Tubal-Cain tries to get Ham to help kill Noah Shem is
building a raft for him and Ila to escape on. Noah discovers this and
sets fire to the raft. Cause you know…he’s a dick.
The movie wraps up with Ham luring his father into a trap but in the
end saves Noah and stabs Tubal-Cain, the ark runs aground on a
mountaintop, Ila gives birth to twin girls, blade in hand Noah goes
after them but at the last minute, with a dagger over their hearts, he
realizes that he has too much love in his own heart to stab babies. Give
this man a Nobel Peace Prize.
The family settles into their new home, Naameh forgives Noah for
almost killing her grandkids, Shem and Ila are happy parents, but Ham is
basically “Screw this and a bag of chips” and takes off for parts
unknown. Can you blame him?
“We are family.” |
I found this to be just a brutal slog to watch. There are hardly any
likable characters in the film and the few that are have little to no
impact on the story, Darren Aronofsky has just collected a group of
talented actors in service of a terrible script. The story of Noah is
supposed to be about hope and Aronofsky’s tacked on “happy ending”
doesn’t cut it. I’m surprised he didn’t go further with the story of Ham
as some theologians interpret the biblical verse,
“Noah became
drunken and he was uncovered within his tent” and Ham saw the nakedness
of his father, and told his two brethren without” to mean that Ham castrated and sodomized Noah. That would certainly be in keeping with the rest of this movie.
Rainbow connection? |
Special Note:
We get an entire sequence where Noah explains “Creation” to his family
and we see a sped up version of the formation of the universe, our
world, and then the evolution of life on Earth. Aronofsky seems to be
implying that the “Six days to create the world” could have meant the
days were not your typical 24 hour jobbies and that evolution is a part
of this bible story, but then when Adam and Eve show up they are these
glowing beings that God just conjured up. Looks to me like Aronofsky
was trying to serve two masters with this script which resulted in a
inconsistent mess.
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